Dear SL,
Today, one SL was blasted by me. That SL cried. I wont mention names or gender, and I expect those who knows to respect the person and keep it confidential. The reason I am sharing it is that there is something for ALL to learn.
An SL took some of the gatorade in my office and drank. Without permission. Another student was there, and that student followed. Monkey see, monkey do.
The SL later told me what he/she did. That student also said, "me too... "
I was pissed.
1) The gatorade was not mine... it belonged to another student for safe-keeping.
2) I am stuck in a situation.
3) Being a SL, i give you access to certain things. Instead of protecting my space, you let others into that space.
I have high expectations for EVERY SL.. that include studies and behaviour and all... Whether you are graduated or still a student... Whether it is posting on the tagboard, on a blog, speaking, and all... Get this clear. I have high expectations... If I need to scold, I will direct it at the leader. A SL is a leader.
Life is always like this. The closer you are to me, the higher my expectations of you. As a leader, that is also close to me, I expect you to choose your words and actions correctly. It will be an example for the rest... as it happened so...
The SL took responsibility and all. That student smsed me an apology but I told the student to look for the SL, as the leader has taken responsibility.
In life, especially when in tough situations, the leader ALWAYS takes responsibilities. If the principal is unhappy with you guys, for no matter how small matter, I take the rap.
But over a gatorade?
The gatorade is a small issue.. but a perfect opportunity for this lesson to be taught. I rather scold you guys over a small issue than wait till a major thing happen and it is too late to do anything.
I would also like to praise the SL for raising up like a leader... to dare to take the rap... to dare to acknowledge the mistake... to dare to look me in the eye and apologise. I salute you.
Tanglin SL - We are STILL the BEST
Tanglin SL is the best =D
8:59 PM