4 Sports Leaders represented Tanglin Secondary School in the Singapore Olympic Academy Youth Session. News of the camp came out on the newspaper on Thursday.
The 4 Sports Leaders are:
1) Tay Boon Lee
2) Regina Wee
3) Keith Low
4) Racheal Wong
Well Done SLs!
Photos will be up soon.
Big Brother Big Sister Camp
10 Sports Leaders served as student leaders in the camp and they rocked!
They received raving reviews including a self-made card from Shuqun Student leaders
The ten SLs are:
1) Joshua Ting
2) Adelaide Ng
3) Shaula Chan
4) Matiin
5) Yunting
6) Raynee
7) Samantha
8) Garrick
9) Aphicha
10) Douglas
Well Done SLs.
Pictures will be up soon as well.
Sports Leaders Camp Brief
There will be a camp briefing on Thurs, 13 Nov 2008, 10am.
All Campers and Sec 3s are expected to be present.
Alumnis are welcome. :)
All students are expected to be in school uniform.
Tanglin SL - We are the BEST
Tanglin SL is the best =D
2:51 PM